Sunday, 5 July 2009

Let's Wrestle - In The Court Of Wrestling Lets

I'd heard a little about this scuzzy London three-piece before but never had I actually embarked on a mission to listen to them - all i can say is that I'm glad i did.

The gutter-garage punk trio play sort of slightly-restrained White Denim-esqe rock that's a little less experiemental and a little more aggressive. Sounding like it's been made on copious amounts of Stella in a back garden shed, you really can't help but pull a grrrr-like face and light up a snout.

Tracks such as 'It's Not Going To Happen' and 'I Wont Lie To You' are filthy rambles of urban-punk that spit in the face of harmony and all things nice and pretty. But they have levels. 'In Dreams' is a slacked-cockney ditty that embodies a rather ironic euphony. It's rustically melodic and quite romantically tuneful - sort of like Jamie T mounting The Rakes after a few brews for a vivacious unintended scatty slouched-busk.

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