So my old man's been a little bit of a political pest in the last week or so what the the current state of the Government and the exposure of our corrupt MPs. "Today is the day it's all going to change..." he rambles on, "They're going to be uncovered for the money grabbing fabricators that they are..." he continued. And at first, as per usual, i nodded and agreed with the bloke. But as per usual, experienced has prevailed and it turns out this country is mid way through a political crisis, time for a change.
A man who's recently been at the heart of discussions regarding this circumstance is none other than Reverend and the Makers Jon McClure. Even if you hate the band, you can't deny that this avant-garde pioneer has had his finger firmly on the button for a few years now. And what with the release of his forthcoming album "A French Kiss In Chaos" on its way, the Sheffield-Che has purposely leaked his own anti-BNP song to the masses. So it's time for a good old fashioned riot on the streets! Get the powers-that-be out of their ivory towers, topple over their Bentley's and fuck the system just like its been fucking us!
Download Reverend and The Makers - The People Shapers
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